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Dunkeld Crippler
Having learned that both 'Dunkeldy' stuff, and 'Cripplers' were productive in Orkney in 2011, the 'Dunkeld Crippler' as duly knocked up for the 2012 trip. A good fly for the top end of the leader, working well on the bob, in good to bright light, or on the middle dropper, in smaller sizes, in conjunction with a sinking line and with daphnia feeders in mind.
Hook: Kamasan B175 or B170 sizes 10 or 12.
Butt: Flat gold.
Rib: Oval gold.
Body: Orange seal's fur mix with a pinch of gold 'Ice Dub'.
Body Hackle: Grizzle hen dyed orange.
Shoulder Hackle: GP body feather dyed orange.
Slips: Bronze mallard
Cheeks: JC splits - optional.
Thread: Black UTC 70 or 140 Denier.
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