Custom Tied Flies
Most of the flies on this website are available to order, custom tied to your exact specification. Please browse the various fly categories by clicking the 'Flies' heading on the main menu at the top of the page, or browse the 'Fly Index'.
When you have made your selections, simply fill in the the form below and let me know your requirements, stating fly name, quantities, sizes and any varitations you require on your chosen flies (jungle cock, head colour, hook etc). Please do not hesitate to ask if you need any help with your choices. Feel free to ask for details and prices for custom ties of your own patterns, or standard/traditional patterns etc.
Tunaround will vary depending on order quantities and current waiting list. I will give you a rough idea when replying to your enquiry. If you require flies immediately, please take a look at the selection of ready tied flies.
Below is a list of all flies currently available as custom ties.
Flies listed in red text are also available pre-tied in the Fly Shop at a lower price.
Pearly £1.85
Sliver Invicta £2.00
Golden Redneck £1.85
Black & Gold Microstraggle £1.90
Pearl & Claret £1.85
Orkney Peach £1.85
Silver £1.85
Gold £1.85
Red Holographic £1.85
Peter Ross £1.90
Wine Dabbler £1.90
Buggered Kate £2.00
Buggered Soldier £2.00
Sooty Bugger £2.00
Claret Bugger £2.00
Fiery Bugger £2.00
Cheeky Bugger £2.10 *
Redneck £2.05
Soldierpalmerdabblermuddler £2.05
Hot Kate £2.00
Ess Cat Variant £2.15
Silver Invicta £2.25
Orkney Peach £2.10
Wine Cruncher £1.80
Rootbeer Cruncher £1.95
Squirrel & Wine Diawl Bach £1.80
Sulky Cruncher £1.90
Shortshank Redemption £1.80
Ice Quill Diawl £1.85
Barden killer Nymph £1.60
Hare's Ear Barden £1.60
Killer Bach £1.75
Quill & Pearl Cruncher £2.05
Squimph £1.75
Black Magic Spider £1.85
Lures/Mini Lures/Cormorants
Viva Variant £2.10
Dawson's Olive Variant £2.15
Mink Hog/Hare Hog £2.15
Hackled Cormorant £1.75
Black & Red £1.95
Basil's Buzzer Variant £1.95
Skinny Fergie £1.95
Threadless - See Fly Shop
Peachy Palmer £1.85
Furnace Bibio £1.85
Golden Olive bumble Variant £1.95
Claret Bumble Variant £1.95
Soldier Palmer £1.95
Farmer Palmer £1.90
Micellaneous Wets
Haul-a-Gwynt Variant £1.95
Soldier Hobbler £1.95
Furnace Ordie £1.55
Hedgehog £2.00
Peter Ross Spider £1.80
Wet Mayfly £2.10
Sparkle Dunkeld £2.10
Dries & Emergers
Hatching Buzzer £1.75
GP Daddy £2.20
Deer Hair Emerger £1.75
Grizzle Mink £1.99
Black Gnat £1.50
Griffiths Gnat £1.50
CDC Emerger £1.75
Bare Hare £1.45
Dunkeld £1.90
Clan Chief £1.90
Fiery £1.90
Skara Monger £2.05
Kate £1.90
Silver Invicta £1.90
Shrimpy £2.10
Claret £1.95
Traffic Light £2.00
* Jungle cock included in price.
All flies without an asterisk will be tied without jungle cock unless you specifically require it, in which case, 40p per fly will be added.
Jungle cock on pre-tied flies from the shop is included in the price.
Minimum order value £25.00
Minimum order of any one pattern/size: 5 flies
Postage & Packing with recorded delivery at cost.
Usually around £2.00. Ireland and overseas at cost
Payment on all orders is required when you place the order.
Paypal, cheque or bank transfer accepted.
Please use the form below to outline your enquiry.......