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Hook: Size 10 or 12 Kamasan B175, B170 or B160.
Tail: Glo-Brite No.12.
Rib: Oval silver.
Body: Black seals's fur.
Body Hackle: Hot Orange cock or hen.
Cheeks: Jungle cock splits.
Head: Natural deer hair.
Thread: Black UTC 140 Den.
One of Stan Headley's pet patterns. I nabbed this one from a T&S article a few years back and it has put in some sterling service. Quite a 'graphic' fly, with strong, defined elements and colours, which is something I'm not always a fan of, but it just seems to work with the Hot Kate. A good fly on any line right through the season, but particularly handy deeper down on sinking lines, and very effective early season too. Equally effective on rainbows and browns. As always with muddlers, top or tail.
Hot Kate Muddler (Headley).
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