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Redneck Muddler

Hook: Size 10 or 12 Kamasan B175, B170 or B160.

Tail: Blood red cock hackle fibres.

Rib: Gold wire.

Body:  Mirage

Body Hackle: Claret hen.

Shoulder Hackle: Red G.P. body feather.

Head: Natural deer hair.

Thread: Black or claret UTC 70 or 140 Denier.

Some patterns just gag to be 'muddled', the 'Redneck Dabbler' being one of them. Some extra kick was provided with the addition of a dyed red Golden Pheasant body feather, and a 'soft' spin and trim of the deer hair. An obvious top dropper candidate on a bright day. Try it on the tail at the back-end of the season when ​hopefully it will be like a red-rag to a wild brownie.



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