Silver & Gold Dabblers

Hook: Size 10, 12 or 14 Kamasan B175 or 170
or Hayabusa 31531 black nickel.
Tail: Bronze mallard or black cock hackle.
Rib: Silver or gold wire .
Body: Silver or gold tinsel.
Body Hackle: Black hen
Cloak: Bronze mallard.
Cheeks: JC splits - optional
Two very simple but very effective dabblers, neither of which I like to leave home without. Being tied with hen, both are extremely versatile in terms of depth/line/leader position, but will feature more prominently down the leader (middle or tail) and/or on sinking lines - wets tied with cock coming into their own on floating lines and/or higher up the leader. As far as light goes, the silver is a big fan of darker days, and gold, brighter days. I'd opt for the gold on peat-stained water, but both are excellent all-rounders, and will work well in most conditions.
Thread: UTC Black 70 Den.